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Samer El-Karanshawy


16 – 19 June 2015, Cologne (Germany)

Dr. Samer El –Karanshawy, Hamad Ibn Khalifa University, Doha, Qatar

Lecture: Shii Muharram Rituals in Lebanon: Texts, Interpretation and Politics - 16.06.2015.

The lecture discussed the definitive annual ritual of Twelver Shiism: the commemoration of the martyrdom of Imam Husain, grandson of Prophet Muhammad and the Third of the Twelve (believed to be) immaculate and omniscient imams of the Twelver Shia.

Seminar / workshop: Twelver Shiism: A General Introduction - 18. + 19.06.

The course introduced the student to the basic tenants of the Twelver Shiism and to aspects and roots of its contemporary reality. It surveyed the foundational texts that define Twelver Shiism.
