Dr. Poppy Siahaan

Universität zu Köln
Institut für Sprachen und Kulturen der islamisch geprägten Welt
D-50923 Köln
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Tel: +49-221-470-3888
Email: psiahaan(at)uni-koeln.de
Siahaan, Poppy. 2024. ‘Throw’ verbs in Spanish: RepRoducing the results of a corpus linguistics study. In Elen Le Foll (Ed.), Data Analysis for the Language Sciences: A very gentle introduction to statistics and data visualisation in R. Open Educational Resource. https://elenlefoll.github.io/RstatsTextbook.
Siahaan, Poppy & Gede Primahadi Wijaya Rajeg. 2023. Multimodal language use in Indonesian: Recurrent gestures associated with negation. In W. Pouw, J. Trujillo, H. R. Bosker, L. Drijvers, M. Hoetjes, J. Holler, et al. (ed.). Gesture and Speech in Interaction Conference (GeSpIn 2023). doi:10.17617/2.3527196. (GeSpIn_5039.mp4)
Siahaan, Poppy. 2022. Indonesian basic olfactory terms: more negative types but more positive tokens. Cognitive linguistics 33(3). 447–480. https://doi.org/10.1515/cog-2021-0092.
Rajeg, Gede Primahadi Wijaya Poppy Siahaan & Alice Gaby. 2022. The spatial construal of TIME in Indonesian: Evidence from language and gesture. Linguistik Indonesia 40(1). 1–24. doi:10.26499/li.v40i1.297.
Devylder, Simon, Christoph Bracks, Misuzu Shimotori, Poppy Siahaan. 2020. Carving the body at its joints: Does the way we speak about the body shape the way we think about it? Language and Cognition12(2020), 577–613. https://doi.org/10.1017/langcog.2020.13.
Siahaan, Poppy. 2017. Gehörst du dazu oder nicht? - Das "Wir" in der Sprache. Stuttgart: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen. 10-11.
Siahaan, Poppy. 2015. Why is it not cool? Temperature terms in Indonesian. In Maria Koptjevskaja-Tamm (eds.) Linguistics of Temperature. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 666-699. https://doi.org/10.1075/tsl.107.21sia.
Siahaan, Poppy. 2011. Head and eye in German and Indonesian figurative uses. In Zouheir A. Maalej and Ning Yu (eds.) Embodiment via Body Parts, Studies from various languages and cultures. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 93-114. https://doi.org/10.1075/hcp.31.08sia.
Siahaan, Poppy. 2008. Did he break your heart or your liver? A contrastive study on metaphorical concepts from the source domain ORGAN in English and in Indonesian. In Sharifian, Farzad, René Dirven, Ning Yu und Susanne Niemeier (eds.) Culture, body, and language: Conceptualizations of internal body organs across cultures and languages. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter. 45-74. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110199109.2.45.
Siahaan, Poppy. 2008. Metaphorische Konzepte im Deutschen und im Indonesischen: Herz, Leber, Kopf, Auge und Hand (Europäische Hochschulschriften Reihe XXI Linguistik, 315). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. https://www.peterlang.com/document/1103745.
Siahaan, Poppy. 2000. Die Numeralkonstruktionen im Deutschen und im Indonesischen. Eine sprachvergleichende Untersuchung anhand des Textes 'Der kleine Prinz'. Magisterarbeit, Universität Bremen, Fachbereich 10 - Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften.